Endowment - St. Joseph School Seattle


Generations of children have benefited from the gift of a Catholic education from St. Joseph School. That gift has come from many sources: tuition paid by committed parents; significant annual contributions from St. Joseph Parish; vigorous annual fundraising; the dedicated efforts of the school's volunteers, staff and teachers; and support from alumni. The purpose of the endowment is to strengthen and sustain, for years to come, a rich faith-centered academic experience for all students at St. Joseph School.

A separately incorporated organization, the St. Joseph Endowment Fund provides an average annual grant to St. Joseph School of $250,000 which enables dozens of children to continue this legacy. The interest earned from the principal helps support student tuition, teacher-enrichment programs and pays for special academic programs and opportunities in perpetuity, advancing St. Joseph School’s mission to educate and inspire students to reach their God-given potential for many generations to come.

Endowed scholarship funds can be established with a gift of $25,000 or more and proceeds will be distributed when the fund reaches $25,000 or more. Endowment gifts are invested, keeping the principal intact and distributing a portion of the return on investment to provide scholarships and tuition assistance to benefit St. Joseph School students. Donors may continue to contribute to an endowed scholarship increasing the impact of the scholarship on the St. Joseph School student body.

Dino Christofilis
Raymond Dearie
Patrick Fennessy
Laura Kelley
Michael Mullally
Gino Perrina
Jennifer Wathen
Jeff Wise

Endowment Funds are dedicated to three specific areas:

Ann D. Gilmore Fund
Catherine Mowry LaCugna Fund
Donna Romein Fund
Dr. Donald Burke Fund
Ellie Rolfe Fund
Genevieve Albers Fund
George Hofbauer Fund
Grandparents & Grandfriends Fund
Jeanne D. Sweeney Fund
John F. Renz Fund
Joseph Boyle Fund
Mark Owen Mullally Fund
Mary Carter Fund
Rachel Bench Fund
Ruby Hughes Fund

Rev. Craig Boly, S.J. Fund
Teacher Enrichment Fund
Teacher Salary Fund

Winn & Joan Brindle Facilities Fund
Carmen Smith Sessions Art Fund
Class of 1964
Kay McGonigle Diverse Student
Tutoring Fund
Educational Fund
Fine Arts Fund
Learning Resource Fund
Sheryl Sperry Technology Fund
Shirley Ott Kiehn Learning Resource Fund
World Language Fund