Students in grades K-8, in partnership with teachers and staff, engage in a holistic learning environment grounded in Student Learning Expectations and Common Core Standards with emphasis on meeting individual needs.
With great intention, careful planning and vision, classrooms are supported by the Learning Resource Center; as well as specialists in Spanish, Art, Music, Technology, and PE. The entire teaching staff is committed to ongoing professional development in order to present the most relevant curriculum.
A critical dimension is the collaboration between classroom teachers and the Learning Resource Center. LRC teachers serve as a great resource for both teachers and students. LRC teachers conduct fluency assessments, assist with reading comprehension differentiated groups, confer with individual students on literacy skills and strategies, provide instructional support and resources for teachers, coordinate and analyze various assessments throughout the year and much more. Data drives good instruction, and data comes from carefully planned assessments administered with the help and guidance from the LRC. Collaboration insures that data will be used to the advantage of each student.